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Top Five Things To Look For When Hiring A Personal Trainer
Let’s face it, being your own fitness mentor can be exhausting. For this reason, it’s important to have a support system in place that guides you, holds you accountable, and motivates you towards a fit lifestyle. In most cases, these duties can be fulfilled by a personal trainer.
Announcing the new website
We are delighted to announce the launch of our new website!
New website under construction
New Website Coming Soon!
Why your fluid intake is a more important habit to your health then you think
Everyone knows the importance of proper hydration but few people follow through on this simple habit consistently. The point of this article isn’t to detail every single health benefit of increased water but ...
10,000 Kettlebell Swing Challenge Results
An unconventional way to build strength, conditioning and a better physique
A detailed description of this 10,000 KB Swing Challenge can be found at the link below:
I Accidentally Lost 22 lbs in 25 days
Run down, overtraining, burning the candle at both ends, too much coffee, not enough sleep, spinning my wheels, chronic neck pain, career uncertainty, cloudy brain, significant mobility issues, working harder/not smarter, trying to do too much.…it was time for a change!